Al Fakher Citrus With Mint 水煙煙草提供了完美的酸柑橘水果和涼爽清新的薄荷混合。柑橘的酸甜味與清脆的薄荷完美平衡,帶來振奮人心的吸煙體驗。這種清新的組合留下令人愉悅的餘味,讓每一口煙後都餘韻悠長。無論您是在尋找明亮的單一口味還是自製混合的清新添加,Al Fakher Citrus With Mint 都是任何水煙愛好者必試的選擇。每次吸入和呼出都享受一陣清新的爆發。
Tobacco Al Fakher Citrus Mint is a refreshing mix of citrus fruits (lemon, orange and mint). One of the top tastes.
Al Fakher Citrus With Mint
The great fresh mix of orange, lemon, and mint! On inspiration, the taste of orange is clearly felt, slightly less than lemon, on exhalation - the freshness of mint.