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Eternal Smoke Aloha Nights Shisha-Tabak ist eine Kombination aus süßem und würzigem gefrorenem Beerenaroma, gemischt mit dem Duft von reifen Pflaumen. Es könnte Sie an den Geschmack eines Beeren-Smoothies erinnern.
I love this flavor, great packaging, very punctual
Miss Ladi
Just get it
Very flavorful
A. Gold
Very classic and fresh taste
Smells good and make so m7ch smoke. My favorite flavor
Aloha nights review
Very relaxing and calming scent. A wonderful mix of a mild berry like flavor mixed with the menthol giving a smooth and easy feel on the throat for new smokers and for shisha smokers a mild highly concentrated nicotine. Incredible flavor highly recommended if mint along with a mixture of a citrusy berry like combo.